Trope A Day-Shoulder Cannon

Shoulder Cannon-Well, “torso cannon” is sort of the default for any major weapons used in powered armor (since only a few species have, well, hands).  Most suits of powered armor have two or three independently articulated mounts, usually mounting rifle-caliber weapons and/or light support weapons such as grenade launchers or rocket launchers.  There’s usually an ammo feed to a central ammo supply on the user’s body, and they always mount sensors on the weapons so they can be safely poked around corners and fired around hard cover.

This doesn’t count for heavy weapons, which are usually carried by one of any number of drones that can provide support and be expended as needed.

Trope A Day-Cryo Prison

Cryo Prison-Commonly used by the Griffin Moot and the Zebra Kingdoms, it’s just easier to pull the cortical stack of your really bad criminals, stick them in a virtual environment that can hopefully work towards rehabilitation, and not have to worry about things like escape attempts or prisoners hurting each other.  And, since you can run the prison at accelerated speeds, you can turn a fifty year sentence into a year, easily.

The Kingdom of Equestria avoids this-they prefer to use more conventional prisons, restraining bolts, and AI-assisted therapy in real-time to help criminals to find their way to something that is healthier than being evil.  Sometimes this works very well, sometimes this just teaches the criminal how to do things better.

The Senate and Minotaur Republic makes the most of prison planets, where criminals have to work towards getting back off the planet by one means or another.

Trope A Day-Everyone Is Armed

Everyone Is Armed-Part and parcel of what makes up the Senate and Minotaur Republic.  If you’re a voter, you’ve served in the military and your militia rifle is probably in your closet, kept clean and in good shape and ready to be presented when you come to vote.

In most other nations, being armed with an actual weapon is dependent upon the location and general need. Of course, since just about everybody has a vector controller implanted that is powerful enough to feel like you were hit by a bullet-shaped hunk of energy, the need to carry an actual weapon is open to debate unless you’re facing really heavily hardened targets (like in powered armor) or large numbers of targets.