Trope A Day-Conspicuous Consumption

Conspicuous Consumption-Not exactly a thing by most of the races in the Equestriaverse. Even the most extreme examples of this tend to be more of the “look at me” more than “look at what I’ve got”. On a species basis, ponies (especially unicorns) will do a lot of this when showing off their wealth and power, with griffins just right behind them. Zebras are more into the whole Simple Yet Opulent idea of dealing with things-a sort of “I have all this wealth, and look how restrained I am with it.” Minotaurs tend to not be like this, as this kind of thing is seen as foolish-“you’re spending your money on that, rather than using it for something practical?” is the mentality in effect here.

It doesn’t mean that most species won’t show off-they just have different ways of doing it.