Trope A Day-More Dakka

More Dakka-This is tricky.  Most of the species involved in the whole Equestriaverse are not into the whole “leave a huge smoldering crater where your enemy once was” theory of combat.  Too messy, wasteful, etc, etc, etc.


But, sometimes, you just have to kill everything in sight and they have quite a few ways of doing this.  The first is gravity guns-think “magnetic coil gun, but using tractor beam technology”.  Most suits of powered armor mount two of these, with independent targeting systems and all the accessories to allow you to aim a 5mm projectile moving at Mach 30 at a target’s particular eyelash.  Following that up is grenade launchers, firing standard grenades at a target, using the same principals as a gravity gun, just with slower projectiles.  Then, you have many varieties of missiles, from “brilliant” missiles to hypersmart missiles that are probably smarter than the pony firing them.

Following that up is grav artillery, which takes the gravity gun principal and fires volleys of shells, volleys of hypersmart missiles, and small tactical nuclear devices.  Bigger fire support can be launched from orbit in the form of kinetic energy weapons of varying sizes (from “kill that guy on the street corner” to “take out a city” yields).  If you really don’t like a planetary target and have a battleship handy, hitting it with a stellar converter will get everyone’s attention.

Trope A Day-Grenade Launcher

Grenade LauncherSomewhat averted, in the sense that the modern infantry soldier in powered armor usually has vector manipulators that can toss a grenade very far.  However, there are circumstances where you need a lot of grenades on target in a short period of time, and that’s where modern grenade launchers come into their own.

A grenade launcher is basically a lower velocity grav gun, firing standard grenades very fast and in very large numbers.  This is very useful when dealing with Changelings on the ground, since they attack in huge swarms.  It’s not quite in the whole More Dakka category, mostly because there are vehicle-mounted grenade launchers for grav IFVs that put out even more grenades, and larger grenades.